AM Blended Families Podcast

Sharing my family's journey on co-parenting and creating a blended family that we’re proud of. My goal is to help and inspire single moms, dads, and other blended families like our own. We’re not perfect, but we work hard to blend perfectly.

When my ex-husband and I decided to divorce, it was our number one priority to make sure that our son always felt our love and that his life never felt the effects of our decision. Through this experience, I discovered how "different" we were in how we are raising him together, and I wanted to challenge other families out there to be "different" like we are (if possible. Everyones situations are not all a like). This is how I birthed AM Blended Families. I wanted our family to be an inspiration to others and to help anyone that we possibly could.

View more episodes on the I am Arminta YouTube Channel and here on Apple Podcasts.

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